27 Lessons

  1. ::compassion:: does not ask for prerequisites. no one is disposable. everyone deserves humanity. there are no exceptions.

  2. ::healing:: is an ongoing process. you will make the same mistakes more than once. many times, even. notice where your patterns come from, and practice building new ones. shame cannot survive empathy.

  3. ::solitude:: is sacred. it is not something to hide or run from. it is worthy of protection. 

  4. ::boundaries:: are deeply important. they create optimal containers for sustainable growth and connection. upholding them is hard, speaking them is often harder.

  5. ::self definition:: you are not defined by the worst thing you’ve ever done. you are not defined by other people’s expectations. you can decide who you are at any moment.

  6. ::intuition:: never lies. it is in service to you always. listen closely. build trust with yourself by acting upon it.

  7. ::spirituality:: is personal, and worthy of respect and dedication. belief is a choice, and it is one that has (unshockingly) called for extensive rational inquiry. no further explanation offered.

  8. ::honesty:: is incredibly difficult, especially if you learned self-censorship as a method of survival. stop: curating your personality. start: telling the truth.

  9. ::patience:: requires trust. there is no need to rush anything. the ultimate gift is divine timing.

  10. ::creativity:: is connected to purpose. all life is creative, look around. commit to creating whenever you can — it is your life force.

  11. ::community:: is always accessible. you will find what you actively participate in.

  12. ::achievement:: you do not need to be good at anything. the point is elsewhere.

  13. ::forgiveness:: can only arrive after grieving. it is not an obligation, it is an offering (to self, to the world)

  14. ::magic:: is real. the skeptics are lying.

  15. ::open minds:: are worth holding onto. the best people i know have these.

  16. ::despair:: often mirrors delight. it will come around again. but it’s true, it is temporary.

  17. ::learning:: new things is one of my central joys. experience is the best teacher, second only to nature.

  18. ::risk:: is a necessary part of the game. choose dare more often.

  19. ::sensitivity:: is a strength, not a weakness. crying is a shortcut to completing the stress response cycle.

  20. ::devotion:: there are so many things to worship. celebration is a form of prayer. romance always rewards your attention.

  21. ::surprises:: not liking surprises makes no sense. everything is a big surprise.

  22. ::confidence:: does not require a spectator. it is about you and your ability to choose your own perception of self.

  23. ::disobedience:: is a necessary practice. not without a cause, but because the search for truth calls for it.

  24. ::escape plan:: it is helpful to remember that you can always start over. create a new identity. enjoy this physical vessel while you have it. fill it with new dreams.

  25. ::time:: is big and small. it is never too late or too early. the portals are sitting next to you, with open invitations.

  26. ::resilience:: is why you are still here.

  27. ::life:: continues to be worth living. despite it all.
