The & Symbol

& & & & &

My favorite symbol — not just because of what it looks like, but because of what it means.

We live in a world full of constructed binaries. So in a society that teaches us to be this *or* that — it feels powerful to remember that we can actually be both/&/anything.

No matter how much we desire to make sense of our human experiences, sometimes all we can do is hold space for the inherent complexity in everything, & notice how multiple truths/feelings/perspectives are present at any given moment.

That, to me, is also the key to understanding ourselves & each other better, on a deeper level.

Which, I might add, is what good branding is really about: creating meaningful connections through relating to one another.

Also, mental health awareness month seems like an especially great time to honor all of the &’s that we can be moving through.

It’s okay to not be okay, & it’s okay to ask for help, & it’s okay to take your time.

Filed under: texts to self
